Adding and Editing Resources

Resources include Articles, Books, County Recorders, Schemes and Websites. These are added as discrete items to the database rather than simply written in to the body of a web pages. They are not pages of the website that are intended to be visited and do not have a place in the menu structure. Instead they are output in lists generated from a database query. There are several reasons for doing this.

  • The resources can be reused in several places. E.g. an article can appear in a listing for the coleoptera site as a whole, in any scheme section for which it is also relevant or on any species page for which it is relevant.
  • The listings are produced with a consitent format across the site which can be updated centrally if a change is desired.
  • Listings can be ordered or filtered on database fields. E.g. Articles in a particular journal or books by an author.



  1. You must be logged in before you can make changes to the website.
  2. Goto Content > Add content in the Admin menu (the black bar at the top of the screen).
  3. Select the type of page you wish to create. Choose either Article, Book, County Recorder, Scheme or Website.
  4. Each resource type has different fields to complete which are largely self-explanatory. Additional details can be found below.
  5. Always click the Save button after making changes.


To edit a resource, go to a page that lists the resource you want to edit. Provided that you are logged in, when you hover over the item a grey cog wheel appears. Click this and select Edit from the menu that appears.



There is a mandatory title required by Drupal but it does not allow the use of italics which will be common in article titles so there is a second field for the full title.

Author, Year, Publisher, Volume and Pages are hopefully self explanatory. You can add a URL to link to the article if it is available online.

The Species field allows you to tag species that the article relates to. It is an auto-complete field and will accept multiple names, comma separated.

The Schemes field allows you to select which schemes the article is relevant for. Select Coleoptera in addition for it to be listed at the top level.

The Level field allows you to categorise the difficulty of the text. Articles can then be listed in groups by this term, if desired.


Enter the details of the book in the Title, Author, Publisher, Year, ISBN and Description fields.

You can enter a URL to link the book title to a page on, say, the publisher's website.

You can upload a file with a picture of the book cover. To do this click Choose File and select a file from your file system. You don't need to worry about the dimensions of the images as it will be automatically resized for display. Upload the file with a helpful name e.g bit-of-title-author-name.jpg such as practical-handbook-joy.jpg. Click Upload once you have selected the file.

The Schemes field allows you to select which schemes the book is relevant for. Select Coleoptera in addition for it to be listed at the top level.

The Level field allows you to categorise the difficulty of the text. Articles can then be listed in groups by this term, if desired.

County Recorders

County. Type the name of the county with vice county numbers in brackets, e.g. Berkshire (VC 22)

Country: Select the country so that the listing can group vice counties by country.

County Recorder: A county recorder should have an account so that they can manage their own address and email details. If they have an account then start typing their name and it will pop up for you to select.

Families: If a recorder only covers certain families, list them here.


Enter the Scheme name, and the taxonomic group it covers in English and scientific nomenclature.

The Organiser field is a reference to a user. The organiser needs to have an account on the website and their username should be their real name. When you start typing their name it will be suggested. Take care to ensure you pick the right person! By this means, the organiser can keep their own address details and contact preferences up to date as they are stored in their user profile.

The External and Internal Link fields allow a link to a website page for the scheme. It is assumed that a web page with more details will always be linked to, either externally or internally. If the scheme has pages within this website, check the Internal Link field and leave the External Link field blank. A link to [scheme-termname]/home will be created. If the scheme has a website which is not part of this one, first create a website resource for it. Next, type the title of the website node that you have created in the External Link text box, selecting from the list of suggestions. This means that the website details are only stored in one place.

iRecord Link. All species pages, by default, have a link to a standard recording page on iRecord. If a scheme has a customised recording form there, enter its url in this field and the species of that scheme will link to the custom recording form instead of the default.

The Schemes field must be selected which may seem pointless but is necessary to permit joining information together in the database.


Enter Title, a URL, and a Description.  

The Schemes field allows you to select which schemes the book is relevant for. Select Coleoptera in addition for it to be listed at the top level.

The Topic field allows you to categorise the website content. Websites can then be listed in groups by this term, if desired.

A thumbnail of the website home page will be generated for display automatically. Occasionally a website will not have a conventional home page and an unexpected image results. This is not obvious until the page is saved (and the thumbnail may also not be generated instantaneously either). If it is the case that an undesireable image exists, edit the page and deselect the Show Thumbnail checkbox.