The website contains a photo gallery of images. The starting point was to import images from the Coleopterist website. This was quite an extensive collection but the image sizes are very small by today's standards and it would be wonderful to update and expand the collection.
Adding an image
- You must be logged in before you can make changes to the website.
- Goto Content > Add content in the Admin menu (the black bar at the top of the screen) and select Image.
- Complete the form that appears.
- Species. Start typing the name of the species appearing in the photo. Select it from the auto-suggest list which appears.
- Image. Hit the Choose File button and select the file to upload from your computer then hit the Upload button. When the file has uploaded enter a description in the Alternative Text box which will have appeared.
- Body. Enter any description needed to explain the image. This will appear in the caption so be concise.
- Licence. Select the manner in which the image is to be lisensed.
- Source. The person or organisation that is acknowledged as provider of the image.
- Location. Where the photo was taken.
- Always click the Save button after making changes.
Editing an image
- You must be logged in before you can make changes to the website.
- Goto the photo gallery and locate the species in the image you wish to edit.
- Click on the thumbnail and then move through the images in the light box to the one you wish to edit.
- Click the edit link in the caption.
Adding a batch of images
The above process for adding images is fine when doing them now and then but is time consuming if adding a lot. An alternatve method is to send a batch of images to the website administrator along with a spreadsheet containing a column for each field in the form plus a column with the corresponding filename.