Biographical dictionary

The Biographical Dictionary of British Coleopterists was compiled by the late Michael Darby. The Dictionary can be accessed below, and see also the additional information provide by Michael:

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Name Dates Biography
PERRY, J.F. Mentioned in the Insect Department Register at Cambridge as giving beetles (including Scymnus ) to the Museum with H.Scott on 13 November 1915. (MD 9/04)
PERRY, K.M.P. There are specimens bearing this name in the collection of K.C.Lewis. (MD 12/06)
PETIVER, James 1663 – 1718 Important early apothecary, botanist and zoologist whose contribution to entomology in the late 17th – early 18th centuries was second only to that of John Ray. Some of his published works between 1695-1717 included beetles, and although each species is mentioned in a classificatory sentence rather than by name, many are identifiable when illustrated. There is a brief biographical account of Petiver together with a very detailed account of all his publications in Lisney (1960) pp.42-64, and Gilbert (1977) lists 4 other sources. (MD 9/04)
PHILLIPS, K.C.J. Published ‘The larva of a Hydrophilid beetle, Megasternum boletophagum’ in IN., 32, 1923, pp.109-114. (MD 9/04)
PHILLIPS, R.A. Published ‘Adalia bipunctata and other Ladybirds in Co. Cork’ in IN., 33, 1924, p.8. (MD 9/04)
PHILP, Bruce 575 British (mostly from Skye) and 170 Nigerian beetles collected by Philp between 1970-1982, together with notebooks containing dates, localities and habitats, are held by B. Philip [sic], 41 Burrell St., Crieff, Perthshire (Fenscore). (MD 9/04)
PICKARD-CAMBRIDGE, Sir Arthur W. 20 January 1873 – 7 February 1952 Educationalist who was the second son of Octavius Pickard-Cambridge the well known arachnologist and Rectoir of Bloxworth, Dorset. A collection of insects made by him and his father is in the HDO. Smith (1986), p.141 describes it as including a wide variety of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. A brief obituary by N.D.Riley in Proc.RESL, (C) 17, 1953, p.73 states that his interest in entomology was ‘life long’. FRES from 1917. (MD 9/04)
PICKERING, W.B. Published ‘On the economy of the Strepsiptera, with the description of Stylops spencii, a new British species recently discovered’ in Trans.ESL, 1, 1836, pp.163-68. (MD 9/04)
PIFFARD, Albert d.1909

Mentioned in Elliman (1902) as a collector in the Hemel Hempstead area, and there are specimens bearing this name in the Elliman collection at N. Herts Museum. (I am grateful to Trevor James for this information). Piffard collected the first specimen in this  country of the rare staphylind Orochares angustatus the specimen being passed to C.T.Gimingham along with the rest of his collection(James , 2018, 141) (Thanks to Andrew Duff for pointing this out to me). There is an obituary by C. Morley in Ent., 43, 1910, pp.127-28. (MD 9/04, 9/20)

PIM, H. Bedford Published several articles on Carabidae and two more general articles: ‘Coleoptera at Mablethorpe’ (EMM., 19, 1882, p.161) and ‘Coleoptera in Thanet’ (ibid., 22, 1885, p.89). (MD 9/04)