Biographical dictionary

The Biographical Dictionary of British Coleopterists was compiled by the late Michael Darby. The Dictionary can be accessed below, and see also the additional information provide by Michael:

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Name Dates Biography
RICHARDS, Arthur J. 1885 – July 1973 Chauffeur to Lady Agatha Russell, Bertrand Russell’s aunt, later becoming her librarian and secretary. His brief obituary in Proc.RESL., 38, 1973-74, C, pp.60-61, mentions that ‘he was a keen collector of British beetles, particularly the Curculionidae. His collections were left to Haslemere Museum’. (MD 11/04)
RICHARDS, Frank This name appears on specimens in Birmingham Museum. (MD 11/04)
RICHARDS, Mrs Jess Gave beetles to Birmingham Museum in 1935 (104.35). Her address at the time was West Southbourne, Bournemouth. (MD 11/04)
RICHTER, R. A Doctor who lived in Gordounstoun. Gave specimens to the RSM (eg, Gyrinus. 1956-32). (MD 11/04)
RIDINGS, James 30 April 1803 – 29 July 1880 Born at Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire but did all his entomological work, which included Coleoptera, in North America. He died in Philadelphia. Gilbert (1977) p.316 lists 4 obituary and other notices. (MD 11/04)
RIDLEY, Henry N. Worked in the NHM when he published a note in EMM., 20, 1884, p.214 on finding Carabus glabratus feeding on plant juices in Killarney. (MD 11/04)
RIGGALL, E.C. President of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union in 1955 when he gave his Presidential Address (19 March) on ‘Notes on Lincolnshire Coleoptera’. This is reprinted in Trans. Lincs. Nats. Union., 14, 1955, pp.14-) and makes clear that he collected beetles himself. (Information from Roger Key). (MD 11/04)
RILEY, Brian Holt b. 8 April 1939 FRESL from 1961-67 when his special interests were Coleoptera and Lepidoptera. (MD 11/04)
RILEY, Charles Valentine 18 September 1843 – 14 September 1895 Foremost American economic entomologist of his day who was born in Chelsea but moved to Illinois at the age of 17 after spending six months in France and Germany. He published more than 2,400 papers and founded the entomological collections in the US National Museum by donating his own of more than 115,000 specimens, mostly of economic insects, in 1880, and was subsequently appointed honorary curator. Gilbert (1977) p.317 lists 31 obituary and other notices. (MD 11/04)
RIPPON, Edrick Victor b.13 May 1864 Son of Robert Rippon (see below) and shared his father’s enthusiasm for entomology. He moved to Toronto, at one time being Librarian of the Natural History Society there. The bulk of his collection is in the Royal Ontario Museum (donated in 1938) but some specimens collected in Canada are in his father’s collection at the NMW. (MD 11/04)