Biographical dictionary

The Biographical Dictionary of British Coleopterists was compiled by the late Michael Darby. The Dictionary can be accessed below, and see also the additional information provide by Michael:

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Name Dates Biography
WOLLASTON, Thomas Vernon 9 March 1822 - 4 January 1878

Born at Scotter, in Lincolnshire the youngest son of a large family. Educated chiefly at Bury St Edmunds Grammar School and in 1842 entered Jesus College, Cambridge taking his BA in 1845. Remained in Cambridge until forced to travel to Madeira because of ill health. On his return lived in Thurloe Square and Hereford Street, Park Lane, London, until pulmonary weakness drove him to move to Kings Kerswell and then Teignmouth where he died. In the meantime he passed many winters in Madeira, though even there he was in a state of ‘constant warfare between physical incapacity and willpower... half my work was actually written in bed’ (Letter quoted in EMM,14, 1878, 214). In January 1869 he married the daughter of his friend Mr Shepherd of Teignmouth but they had no children.

Wollaston’s interest in Coleoptera first manifested itself while he was a student at Cambridge and may have been partly inspired by Revs. J.F.Dawson and Hamlet Clark who were also there and became his friends. It was at this time that he published his first article, on the Coleoptera of Launceston, in Zool, 1, 1843. Others quickly followed not just on the British fauna, to which he added several new species including Pentarthrum huttoni and compiled several revisions eg. Atomaria, but also on the fauna of the Islands he visited. It was one of these, the Insecta Maderensia which ran to pp.677 and 13 plates, and was published in 1854, which became the work for which he is best known. Later, he published a detailed catalogue for the NHM which acquired the collection, and several other smaller books: Coleoptera Atlantidum (1865), Coleoptera Hesperidum (1867) and Coleoptera Sanctae Helenae (1877).

His favourite families of beetles were the Cossoninae, in which he described 255 new species against 67 discovered by all other Coleopterists, and the Colydiidae. Wollaston was acquainted with Darwin, and in 1856, in a book entitled On the Variation of Species with especial reference to the Insecta, followed by an inquiry into the nature of genera, may be said to have dimly anticipated some of his views. His anonymous review of the Origin in Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist., 5(3), 1860, 132-143 was harshly critical and illuminates Wollaston's scientific and religious thinking.

He is mentioned in the Gorham diary at Birmingham eg. 25 March 1874, and is said by Mackechnie Jarvis (1976), 102, to have pioneered the mounting of beetles on cards in this country (see below). The first part of his collection of Coleoptera from Madeira and the Salvages, amounting to 4,000 specimens, was purchased by the NHM in 1855 and the second part in 1858. In 1864 the Museum purchased a selection of his Canarian Coleoptera (in the HDO is a copy of Wollaston’s Canaries Catalogue which has been annotated by J.O.Westwood as follows: ‘The first selection of specimens from the collection has been arranged by Mr Wollaston and has been purchased by the Trustees of the British Museum, a second selection was purchased by Mrs Hope for £200 and presented to the Oxford Museum’) and, at unspecified times, selections of Coleoptera from the Cape Verde Islands and St Helena were also acquired. According to Waterhouse, 601, these collections were all kept in separate cabinets.. Harvey p.224 records that there is a ms notebook containing ‘Numbers relating to localities of the Madeiran insects in the British Museum’ in the NHM. Specimens collected by him are also in the Mason collection at Bolton; the Hall collection at Oldham (from Kent, information from Simon Hayhow), and in the Butler collection at Norwich (possibly from the NHM, information from Tony Irwin). A copy of a letter from Oliver Janson at Liverpool states that Wollaston’s collection was purchased by Crotch, and an entry in his diary at Cambridge indicates that Wollaston had Crotch specimens in his collection. A box of named beetles from St Helena and the Canaries, given by Wollaston’s widow to Philip de la Garde was included in the Newbery gift to Cambridge in 1912. The Insect Department Register there indicates that pinned into the box were letters and ms lists which referred to Wollaston’s colour coding, localities, etc.. 

In the fattish volume of G.R.Crotch lists at Cambridge there is information about the mounting cards used by Wollaston – narrower in front than at the back and inscribed underneath in pencil -‘Crotch may have remounted on his own card but some may retain original cards and records and any with black pins are from Ireland where Wollaston collected chiefly about Killarney’.

The HDO acquired Wollaston’s Ceylon Coleoptera via J.O.Westwood in 1857. They also have an 11 drawer cabinet of Madeiran insects mainly Coleoptera and including many types which was purchased for £300 by Hope and presented in 1860; another 11 drawer cabinet of Canary Islands beetles purchased for £200 and presented by Mrs Hope in 1863; a box of Cape Verde Coleoptera purchased in November 1867 for £5; several further selections of Madeiran Coleoptera; 81 St Helena Coleoptera purchased from Janson for £3.15s 9d in December 1878; 30 Coleoptera from St Helena presented by Dale in 1881 and the Dale collection, also in the Department, contains a further four drawers of Wollaston’s beetles from Madeira, Cape Verde, Canary Islands and St Helena. The HDO also has letters from Wollaston to Hope and Westwood 1860-77, and other mss including a Coleoptera catalogue and lists.

Wollaston was also an authority on molluscs (I am grateful to Mike Morris for pointing out Cook’s article to me). Lott (2009), 8, discusses his collecting activities in Leicestershire at Ambion Wood near Shenton Hall where he had family connections. Wollaston's library was sold by Stevens on 9 January 1912 (Chalmers-Hunt (1976) p. 151). Pedersen (2002) p.98 records a letter in the RESL which refers to Mrs Wollaston as a collector too. My own library includes a letter from Mike Morris of 14 January 2014 including a list of the 61 names of the people to whom Wollaston dedicated species, translated from Antonio Machado with amendments.

FLS from 1843 (Council 1857-58, Publication Committee 1857). Gilbert (1977) lists 11 obituary and other notices. Roger Booth at the NHM is currently involved with work on Wollaston. (MD 12/04)

WOOD, A.E.B. Gave 76 Lepidoptera and Coleoptera from the Plymouth neighbourhood to the RSM in 1894 (1894-59). (MD 12/04)
WOOD, Theodore A Reverend. Mentioned in Elliman (1902) as a collector in Hertfordshire. He published ‘Captures of Coleoptera’ in EMM. 41, 1905, p.280 which recorded species taken over several years. At that time he was living in Wandsworth. Coleoptera collected by him are in the NHM and in the Kidson Taylor collection at Manchester. (MD 12/04)
WOODWARD, R. Mentioned by Lott (2009) p.33 as a collector of beetles in Leicestershire who was known to both J.K.Bates and Donald Tozer. (MD 11/09)
WOOLLATT, L.H. K.C.Lewis tells me that there are specimens collected by Woollatt in his collection. (MD 12/06)
WOOLLEY (also spelt WOOLEY), James H. b. c.1856-58 Gardener and bailiff who lived in Leicester Frith and published three records of beetles from the area in Naturalist’s Journal Magazine, 4, 1895, pp. 43, 141, 251-252. Lott (2009) p. 21 records that Frederick Bates reported in 1896 receiving a list of beetles out of sphagnum at Bradgate Park from Woolley, and that he presented a paper on a review of the British Carabidae with special reference to Leicester species to the members of the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society on 10 December 1897. Of his collection Lott states: ‘A long series of specimens of many different species with no locality labels stands in the [S.O.]Taylor collection labelled in Taylor’s handwriting with the number 1303. This number corresponds to an entry in Taylor’s collection notebook dated 30 March 1942 explaining that they are from the J.H.Woolley collection. I assume that these are the remnants of the Woolley collection’. (MD 11/09)
WOTTON, F.W. 1847 – 1899 Born in Bristol and lived in Cardiff from 1868-1891. Formed large collections of British and foreign material (mainly molluscs)by exchange. He was at one time tutor to the Marquis of Bute’s children and suffered for the last 18 years of his life from chronic asthma. According to his entry in Fenscore apart from his interest in molluscs he ‘also took a great interest in bees and beetles, writing a section on entomology in collaboration with Mr J.R.le B Tomlin for the British Association Handbook, 1891. In Mr Tomlin’s catalogue of Glamorgan Coleoptera Mr Wotton’s entomological work was of much use’. There is a biography in Trans.Cardiff Nat.Soc. 32, pp. 67-69 which I have not seen. (MD 12/04)
WROUGHTON, Robert Charles 15 August 1849 – 15 May 1921 Born at Nusserabad, India, the son of Major General R.C.Wroughton. Educated at Bedford School and King’s College, London. Trained in the L’Ecole Forestiere, Nancy, and took up a post in the Indian Forestry Service on 10 December 1871 as Assistant Conservator of Forests in the Bombay Presidency. He eventually became Inspector General of Forests for India before retiring in 1904. Wroughton took a particular interest in Ants but also collected Coleoptera. Paussidae found by him near Bombay are mentioned by Fowler (1912), and Paussus wroughtoni Wasm. was named after him. FESL 1891-1907. (MD 12/04)
YERBURY, John William 1847 - 1927 A colonel. Numerous insects in the HDO acquired at various times including 137 Coleoptera from Porthcawl (1906). The Department also holds letters, diaries, etc. (Smith (1986) p. 163). Pedersen (2002) p.99, 133, 142, lists correspondence in the RESL including a letter from C.G.Nurse to C.J.Wainwright, 21 September 1930 ‘...I am glad to have other interests, sport, cards, & literature, besides entomology. Yerbury had none, hence his old age was not a happy one. He told me he wished he could step into a lethal chamber...’ (MD 12/04, 11/09)
YOUNG, Morris c.1821 – 26 February 1897 Little is recorded about his early history but he was for many years a school master at Paisley, until being appointed Curator of the Paisley Museum when it opened in 1870.. The first of the few short notes he published was devoted to Lepidoptera but it was as a Coleopterist that he was best known and in particular for his addition of several species to the British list including Silvanus bidentatus (EMM., 2, 1865, p.181, found under pine bark near Paisley and det. for him by David Sharp). His collection of both insects and books was acquired by the Paisley Museum to which he also bequeathed £500 on the understanding that the interest would be used to extend the entomological collections. Richard Weddle tells me that he has recently seen the collection (January 2007) and ‘It is still apparently intact, but in the original cases, and in need of some conservation.’ There is a printed list of Staphylinidae marked up by Young in the RESL library I have a copy of a printed list of Staphylinidae marked up by him, which was given to me by Eric Gowing-Scopes. FESL from 1886. There is an obituary in EMM., 33, 1897, p.283. (MD 12/04)