Well known as the author of A History of the Spiders of Great Britain (1861-64) but also interested himself in a wide range of other natural history subjects including entomology. He was born at Crumpsall Old Hall, near Manchester. Moved to Llanwrst in N. Wales where he lived first at Oaklands (about 1832) and later at Hendre House where he remained for the rest of, his life.
His entomological publications included 'Chrysolina cerealis (L) in North Wales' (ANMT, 4, 1831, 23-24) and 'On the asserted connection of Atropos with Xestobium' (EMM, 4, 1867,19-20). Gilbert (1977) lists six obituaries of which the most comprehensive is that by Pickard Cambridge in Ent, 14, 1881, 45-50.
FLS and a Member of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. (MD 10/01)