At one time known as Boswell Syme. Born in Edinburgh and educated as a Civil Engineer, but gave this up after a time to become a botanist, a subject on which he lectured at the Charing Cross and Middlesex Hospitals. Well known as the concluder of Sowerby's English Botany. On the death of a relative in about 1868 he succeeded to the family estate at Balmuto and it was at this time that he dropped the name Syme.
Boswell is known to have been interested in entomology as well as botany, and to have formed a fine collection of Lepidoptera. A note entitled 'Coleoptera of Scotland, a correction' in the Scot.Nat., 82, 5, 1880, 311, however, makes clear that he collected beetles too. The note refers to David Sharp having copied Murray's earlier statement that Boswell had taken Magdalinus atramentarius at 'Dollar': 'I fancy the mistake arose from Mr Murray mistaking 'Dover' for 'Dollar' as I have specimens in my cabinet from the former place'. There are obituary notices in Ent.mon.Mag., 24,1888, 235; and in Psyche, 82, 5, 1889, 156. (MD 10/01)