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Probably born in Manchester and perhaps related to the above. Mentioned by Sharpe (1908). Published 'Occurence of Pissodes notatus near Manchester' in Ent.mon.Mag., 7, 1870, 80-81; and 'Captures of Coleoptera in the Manchester district during the past winter', ibid, 8 1872, 289.

A collection of c.1000 beetles in 13 store boxes was accessioned by the Manchester Museum in 1986, 1989. Johnson (2004), 8, records that many of the insects were mouldy and almost all without data, and that a single representative pin of better specimens was retained for historical reasons. He also notes that the word ‘Rye’ written on the back of many of the mounts indicated that these specimens were either checked or collected by E.C. Rye. (MD 12/01, 11/09)
