Primarily interested in Hymenoptera and Hemiptera but did publish several notes about beetles, eg.'Otiorhynchus sulcatus destructive to ferns', Ent.mon.Mag., 27, 1891, 223; 'Lebia crux-minor at Gomshall', ibid, 28, 1892, 267-68, and several notes on beetles in wasps' and hornets' nests.
Trevor James informs me that there are many specimens collected by Butler in the collections of North Hertfordshire Museums at Baldock, and Michael Taylor that there are further specimens collected by Butler in the Museum at Perth. Hydradephaga in the Manchester Museum bearing the initials E.A.B. were presumably taken by him.
Mentioned in a letter from E.C. Bedwell to Dr Allan, 3 December 1941, in a folder in Liverpool Museum of material relating to the B.S.Williams Collection: 'I took on the disposal of the libraries of E.A. Butler, Easbery (?) and Stott as they were personal friends...'. John Owen tells me that he determined Myrmecoptera brevipes new to Scotland. He is mentioned by Morley (1899), 6.
Tony Irwin informs me that there is a large collection of foreign Coleoptera and Hemiptera at Norwich Museum which came with the Bedwell collection. It includes specimens from T.V. Campbell; FB (Frederick Bates?); G.C.B.; Dr Boutarel; G.H. Burn; H. de Busson; Dr [Malcolm] Cameron; G.C. Champion; Elliott; G. Guyon; Harry Johnson; F. Morey; F. Muir; S.A. eave; R.M.W.; Rev. T.A.M.; H.H. Smith; F.M. hompson; B.Tomlin; and T.V. Wollaston. and that is one drawer only! Tony assumes that Butler ‘accepted’ much of this material from the NHM, ‘Certainly a lot of the specimens appear to have typical NHM labels and accession numbers.’
There are obituaries in Ent., 59, 1926, 24; Ent.News, 37, 1926, 126. and by W.E. China in Ent.mon.Mag., 62, 1926, 24,(including portrait). (MD 10/03,1/22)