There are many references to Chant in Stephens (1828-). He was a friend of Samouelle and of Bentley, and with the latter published an 'Entomological Tour in south Devon' in Ent. Mag., 1, 1833, 180-185. In his obituary of Chant in Ent., 4, 1868, 106-107, Edward Newman recorded: ‘Mr Chant and his colleague Mr Bentley were among my first entomological acquaintances; and all the older entomologists now living may be reckoned to have made their entomological debut under these auspices of these veterans of our science... [I] was a weekly visitor at their Thursday evening reunions for many years... Mr Chant became a contributor to my ‘Entomological Magazine' about the same period, 1832-36, but his communications were few in number and were soon altogether discontinued... Mr Chant died in September 1867, but I cannot be certain of his exact age: he devoted his spare time of later years to re-setting insects for the British Museum and for Mr Saunders: his collections, consisting of three small cabinets of British Lepidoptera, were sold by Mr Stevens on the 24 April last’. (MD 3/02)