Well-known ant specialist. Published a number of articles on beetles in the 1950s while working for the National Agricultural Advisory Service. They included 'The Biology of Epipolaeus caliginosus F.' in EMM., 90, 1954, p.169; 'Uncommon beetles in the West Midlands', ibid., p.197; 'Myrmechixenus subterraneus Chev. in Derbyshire', ibid., 93, 1957, p.142; and 'Cryptocephalus bipunctatus(L) in North Lancashire', ibid., 94, 1958, p.167. He also published a note on Irish Coleoptera in Ent Gaz., 10, 1959, pp.39-42 and a paper on myrmecophilus species in Ireland, Scotland and Wales in ERJV., 77, 1965, pp.45-47. (MD 3/03)