Wrote six notes on beetles between 1877 and 1896: 'Wetherby Coleoptera' (Naturalist, 3, 1877, p.8); 'Carabus nitens at Richmond' (ibid., p.25); 'Clivina fossor. Linn.' (ibid., pp.25-26); 'Coleoptera at Norland Moor' (ibid., p.59); 'Clivina fossor myrmecophilus' (EMM., 15, 1878, p.19) and ‘Monochammus sutor in Yorkshire' (Ent., 28, 1895, p.16). He also wrote one note about locusts. Mick Cooper informs me that there is further information about Crowther in Nottingham Museum. (MD 4/02, 10/03)