DIGGLES, Silvester

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Born in Liverpool. Emigrated to Australia in 1853 and after residing for one year in Sydney moved to Brisbane with his family. Best known as an ornithologist and as a draughtsman, but he collected insects too. The Cetoniid Dysectoda digglesi was named after him by Janson. Diggles’s collection of Lepidoptera is in the South Australian Museum atAdelaide. 215 Coleoptera collected by Diggles in Australia were purchased by the NHM from Stevens in 1857 (57.130). There is an account with bibliography in A. Musgrave (1932) pp.64-65. A longer and more recent biography with portrait and bibliography, which I have not seen, was published by E.N.Marks in Queensland Naturalist, 17, 1963, pp.15-25. (MD 6/02)
24 January 1817 - 21 March 1880