Dobson did his Ph.D. at the University of London on species of Psylliodes. Parts of this research were subsequently published, eg. ‘Hatching of the egg in the Cabbage stem flea beetle Psylliodes chrysocephala’ in EMM., 95, 1959, p.180, and ‘The immature stages of the flea beetles Psylliodes cuprea and P. chrysocephala’, ibid., 96, 1960, p.1. Dobson's research also showed that the third instar larva of Aleochara inconspicua Aube is a parasite of the wheat bulb fly Leptohylemyia coarctata (Fall) (ibid., 100, 1964, pp.210-211). Worked in 1948 for the Ministry of Food (Infestation Division) in Glasgow. Subsequently moved to Rothamstead where he did a considerable amount of reserach on the genus Carpophilus. This resulted in the identification and description of a number of new species from Australia and elsewhere (see EMM., 88, 1952, p.256; 91, 1955, pp.299-300; 92, 1956, pp.41-42; 95, 1959, p.156; and 105, 1969, pp.99-100). Later her returned to Glasgow as lecturer at the University in entomology and agriculturally inclined subjects from which he is now retired. His work on Coleoptera at this time included a list of the Coleoptera of the Isle of Muck and another paper on new species of Carpophilus from Australasia in Storkia, 2, 1993. Gave 7 Colydiidae and another beetle which he had taken from ships arriving at Glasgow to the NHM in 1947 (1947.82) and 1948 (1948.436). I am grateful to Geoff Hancock for information about Dobson. (MD 3/03)