DUFFY, Evelyn A. J.

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Best known for the important series of Monographs on the Immature Stages of Timber Beetles which he wrote while on the staff of the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology. These volumes comprised: British and Imported, 1953; American, 1957; African, 1957; Supplement to African, 1980; Neotropical, 1960; Australian, 1963; and Oriental, 1968. Before devoting the major part of his time to this work Duffy wrote a number of articles on the British fauna including ‘The Coleopterous fauna of the Hants. Surrey border’, EMM., 81, 1945, pp.169-179; ‘Notes on the British species of Pyrochroa with a key to their first stage larvae’, ibid., 82, 1946, pp.92-93; and ‘Records of Coleopterous larvae from Surrey with a note on host-plants’, ibid., pp.270-273. He also wrote the RES Handbooks on Cerambycidae, 1952, and Scolytidae and Platypodiae, 1953. Earlier he had written a leaflet for the AES on making a garden pond (1945). Duffy made numerous gifts to the NHM from 1939 of larvae in particular collected both by himself and others. Two of the largest gifts were of 1015 larvae collected in Surrey and Hants in 1944-49 (1950.148) and of 1215 larvae and pupae from England generally (1951.192). Other specimens collected by him are to be found in the Kauffmann Collection at Manchester and in the general collection at Birmingham. I have not been able to trace any obituary notice. (MD 9/02)
d. c.1986