FRASER, Michael G.

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Son of G de C. Fraser (see above). Dr Uhthoff-Kaufmann writes: ‘Squadron Leader. We first met in 1944, corresponded regularly for some years and collected (together with the late Evelyn Duffy - another friend of mine) in Formby, Lancs., Flintshire and Jodrell Hall, Ches. (where I then lived). Michael Fraser ... was a very dedicated Coleopterist who discovered inter alia, Arhopalus tristis in old pine stumps in the dunes near his home in Formby. He also spent much time searching the timber yards of the Liverpool Docks for foreign Coleoptera and their larvae which he raised in a special heated cage he invented, and especially, Plagionotus arcuatus in numbers, which he liberated when mature in suitable habitats in the hope of re-establishing the species in this country. Besides his important papers on S. scalaris [EMM., 86, 1950, pp.33-36 and 73] quoted in extenso by E.A.J.Duffy in his monumental Opus (1953), he also wrote interesting notes on Ergates and Trinophylum cribratum. I regret to say that I lost touch with him and his wife in the early 1950s’. Cermbycidae collected by Fraser are in the Kauffmann Collection and the General Collection at Manchester. (MD 12/02)