FURLONG, Alfred R.

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Mentioned in Dawson,J.(1856) p.46 as the captor of an example of Eurynebria complanata at Arklow sands. Johnson and Halbert,(1902) pp.536,537 note that the lists of Dublin beetles which A.R.Hogan published (Natural History Review, 1, 1853/4, 32-34, 88-91, 98-101, not the Zool. as they state) was comprised largely of records provided by A.H.Haliday and Furlong. They also note that MS notes kept by Furlong passed to Dr E.P.Wright, and that he had a copy of J.F.Stephens, Manual, with marginal notes by Furlong on localities. Ryan, J.G. et al.(1984) list Furlong as having published the ‘First Supplement to the Catalogue of the Coleoptera found in the Neighbourhood of Dublin’ in Natural History Review, 3, 1856, pp.72-73, sometimes ascribed to Hogan. There is correspondence with J.C.Dale dated 1851 in the RESL (Pedersen (2002) p.54) (MD 12/02, 11/09)