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For many years the Rector of Rusper, near Horsham. This was the parish to which H.S.Gorham (see below) was at one time attached and Gore and he appear to have been friends (see, for example, Gorham diary entries for 1871). He was certainly interested in entomology by the 1860s for he was one of the original subscribers to the EMM. His brief obituary in this magazine records that he was an 'assiduous collector chiefly of British Coleoptera but published very little, (25, 1889, p.402). One article which I have traced was 'Cryptocephalus frontalis, Marsham' in EMM., 22, 1886, p.186. There are specimens collected by Gore in York Museum (I am grateful to Mike Denton for this information). (MD 1/03)
1814 - 3 September 1889