Murray (1853) p.vii mentions that Robert Northmore was the son of Robert Kaye Greville (see above), and thanks both father and son for adding to his list of Coleoptera from the Edinburgh area. He published 'On the capture of Coleoptera at Stirling', Zoo., 2, 1844, 698-699; and 'Tenacity of Life in Rhagium bifasciatum', ibid., 6, 1848, 2217. According to the Accessions Register at the RSM 'A Cabinet of British Coleoptera' was purchased by the College Museum, Edinburgh in 1855-56 from 'Greville'. This could be either R.N. or R.K.Greville. A second purchase of 30 boxes of insects other than Lepidoptera was made in 1858 (Accession no. 1858-13). Greville also gave Coleoptera to the NHM in 1838 and 1839 (22 October, 7 December 1838 and 26 August 1839. The last included specimens of Passalus and Hispa). (MD 1/03)