Known as 'The Gilbert White of Bognor', Guermonprez made extensive collections of natural history and other interests which were given by his family to the County Council in 1943 for the formation of a museum in Bognor Regis. After being housed in a series of temporary premises between 1943 and 1972 it was moved to Portsmouth Museum. The large collection of insects includes several boxes of beetles and related documentation. Guermonprez is mentioned in the insect volume of the VCH for Sussex (1905) and there are obituaries in Littlehampton Nature and Archaeology Circle Report of Proceedings, 1924; West Sussex Gazette, 1 January 1925; and The Post, Bognor Regis, 30 November 1957. (MD 1/03)
5 July 1851 - 21 December 1924