GUYON, George

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Little is know of Guyon who was related to a Hungarian General. He lived at both Richmond and Ventnor, in the Isle of Wight, and published notes on entomology, particularly Coleoptera, for some thirty years from 1845. These included 'Tenacity of life in Curculionidae', Zoo., 3, 1845, 1145; Note on Lamia textr, ibid., 8, 1850, 2961; several notes on aberrant forms; 'Larvae of the glow worm', ibid., 20, 1862, 8180; and 'The Colorado Beetle', Sci. Gossip., 11, 1875, 142. Perhaps his most important article on Coleoptera was 'A List of the British Species of Geodephaga' in Zoo., 8, 1855. I have not seen this last but presume it must be based on Dawson (1854). Dawson certainly referred to Guyon as 'his friend' (p.208). Guyon's British collection was acquired by T.G.BISHOP (see above) and Michael Denton, Ground Beetles in the Yorkshire Museum, 1993, notes that there are specimens there. FRES. There is an obituary in EMM., 14, 1878, pp.263-264. (MD 1/03)
1825 - 28 February 1878