Eldest son of William Henry Harwood (see below) and brother of Philip (see below). Primarily interested in Lepidoptera but his short obituary in EMM, 69, 1933, pp.256-257 states that 'he shared to the full his father's wide practical knowledge of the British insect fauna, and carried on the business on their removal to Sudbury nearly twenty years ago... He devoted a large share of his attention to the Coleoptera and the Hymenoptera, and amassed a very fine private collection of these Orders; and he was also concerned in forwarding large consignments of living insects of economic value in combating the many destructive pests of this class in Australia and elsewhere'. Harwood published a number of notes on Coleoptera in various periodicals from 1897 when 'Coleoptera in January' appeared in Ent., 30, p.82. Many concerned records in the area of the family home in Colchester. It is clear that he did a considerable amount of collecting with his brother. Harwood’s collection passed to his brother Philip. He died in Sudbury, Suffolk.There is correspondence dated 1900-1906 with C.J.Wainwright in the RESL (Pedersen (2002) p.127). Apart from the obituary mentioned above there is another in Ent., 66, 1933, p. 264 (by W.S. Gilles). (MD 3/03, 11/09)
1876 - 10 October 1933