Published several notes on Coleoptera in the Zool. 'Cossonus linearis' (16, 1858, p.6150); 'Carabidae in the Isle of Sheppey', (16, 1858, pp.6251-6252); 'Emus hirtus in the Isle of Sheppey' (17, 1859, p.6737); and 'Occurrence of Ammoecius brevis at Southport and notes on other Coleoptera' (19, 1861, pp.7367-7368). There is a short obituary in EMM, 7, 1870, p.66, which mentions that he was 'well known amongst Coleopterists, and universally respected for his genial and thoroughly unassuming disposition. He died at his residence, near Croydon, about a fortnight after joining the Entomological Club on the 1 July last, at their excursion to Weybridge... Mr Haward's business occupations always prevented him giving full scope to his bent for entomology...'. (MD 3/03)