HAWKINS, Charles N.

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Primarily a Lepidopterist but H.E.Hinton in a short obituary in Proc. RESL, 35 (C), 1970, 53, mentions that he also interested himself in Coleoptera and implies that he published on them in the Society's journals and elsewhere between 1925 and 1926. In fact Hawkins’ first publication on Coleoptera, as far as I am aware, was to introduce Atheta brisouti to the British list in Ent., 81, 1949, p.53. The only other article he wrote on beetles was on Anthicidae from the High Simien district of northern Ethiopia in Journal LSL, Zoo., 43, 1956, 109-110. His other ten or so publications all appear to be on Lepidoptera.

Duff (1993), 7, records that Hawkins ‘visited Somerset regularly between 1944 and 1952, especially at the coast where he found many rarities. He started to compile a Somerset Coleoptera list including the results of extensive literature and museum searches but later passed all of his information to W.A.Wilson to help with the compilation of The Coleoptera of Somerset (1958)’ Hawkins and his wife were friendly with K.G.Blair and his wife (Hawkins wrote Blair’s obituary in EMM, 89, 1953, 25-27) and stayed with the Blairs on the Isle of Wight in their house overlooking Freshwater Marsh, in 1945, 1947 and annually between 1949-52. John Stafford, of the Isle of Wight Biological Records Centre, tells me that ‘each time he sent a list of the coleoptera he found to Dr Blair... the lists include a few brief annotations by Blair (eg. ‘new to me’)... one of the lists is on headed (but crossed-out) notepaper of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society. Hawkins’ lists are now in my possession'.

Hawkins bequeathed four store boxes of Coleoptera, collected between 1944-1951, to the Somerset County Museum, Taunton, together with a meticulously kept card index which formed the basis for the Somerset list mentioned above. K.C.Lewis tells me that he also has specimens and there is a small box file of correspondence in the BENHS library at Dinton Pastures. FRES from 1927. Council 1938-1940. (MD 3/03, 1/22)

d. March 1970