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Son of William Hey (see above) and ordained like his father. He also inherited his father's interest in water beetles and his father's collection. Hey published various notes mainly on water beetles from 1882 when 'Notes on the time of appearance of some rare water beetles' appeared in Ent., 15, pp.211-212. His most important articles were undoubtedly his List of the Coleoptera of Yorkshire' which was published in Trans. Yorkshire Naturalist's Union between 1885 and 1896 and amounted to 96 pages.

Adam Parker has pointed out to me that Hey is mentioned in Simms (1968), and that there is a collection of 6,000 beetles in the Yorkshire Museum, acquired in1867, which includes material from Bates, W. Birch, J.C. Dale, J.M. Douglas, C.C. Dupre, S. Hey, Ledbetter, J.A. Power, J.C. Rye, Sharman, and T. Wilkinson.  (MD 3/03, 12/21)

1853-19 May 1909