Published various notes on Coleoptera between 1837 and 1845 including: 'On the Coleopterous insects observed in the Scilly Isles in July and August 1836', Trans.ESL., 2, 1837, pp.58-64; 'Notes on the explosive properties of Brachinus crepitans', ibid., p.7; Rough notes on the habits, manners, etc. of some of the British Brachelytra', ibid., 3, 1842, pp.108-128; 'On the habits of Byctiscus punctulatus', Zool, 1, 1843, p.200; 'Note on the species of Aleochara...', ibid., p.271; 'On the British species of Carabus', ibid., pp.338-339; and 'Notes on beetles inhabiting ants nests', ibid., 2, 1844, p.475. (MD 5/03)