HORNE, Charles

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Died in Norwood, south London, but had previously spent many years in India, initially in the Civil Service and later as a judge. His entomological interests covered several orders including beetles on which he published 'Exploding property of Paussidae', Zool., 4, 1846, p.1357, and 'Singular use for a Brupestris at Madras', ibid., p.1357. He is recorded to have made extensive collections which were almost destroyed at the time of the Indian Mutiny. FES and Member the Horticultural Society and attended their meetings. FLS (elected a few days before his death). There are obituaries in Trans.ESL., (Proc.), 1872, p.l; Ent., 6, 1872, p.104; and EMM, 8, 1872, p.295. (MD 5/03)
1824 - 21 March 1872