Lived for most of her life in Scotland and for many years in St. Andrews. She appears to have been attracted to entomology and particularly to the Coleoptera in her early twenties, and without any formal training, rapidly established a considerable reputation for her research. She published a large number of papers beginning with several on Sitona, eg. 'Bionomics of weevils of the genus Sitones injurious to leguminous crops in Britain' in Ann. appl. Biol., 7, 1921, pp.269-298. Other papers on this group dealt with the genetics of flight and flightlessness. She then turned her attention to aspects of flight in the Dytiscidae on which she published some 25 papers between 1950 and 1966. During the period 1960-65 she also published several papers on the biology of Hymenopterous egg-parasites (Eulophidae and Mymaridae) of Dytiscidae.Society's symposia. There is correspondence with C.J.Wainwright dated 1933-34, and a box of letters, etc. covering the period 1917 to 1972 in the RESL. Correspondents include G.W.R.Bartindale, F.D.Buck, and Frank Balfour-Browne (Pedersen (2002) p.84, includes a full list). In recognition of her contribution to entomology Jackson was elected Honorary FRES and she subsequently bequeathed £500, her four microscopes and large collection of separates to the Society. She is recorded to have very much enjoyed coming down to London to attend the Society's symposia. There is an obituary in Proc. RESL, C, 38, 1973-74, p. 57. (MD 8/03, 11/09)
1893 - 13 July 1973