JENNER, James Herbert Augustus

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Born in Battle and died in Lewes. Appears from his list of publications to have been mainly interested in Lepidoptera but he did write three articles on beetles: 'Claviger foveolatus at Lewes' in EMM., 21, 1884, p.36; 'Apion pomonae and Polydrusus undatus in cop.', ibid., and 'Heptaulacus villosus near Lewes', ibid., 25, 1889, pp.383-384. Coleoptera collected by Jenner are in the Booth Museum (information from P. Hodge), the Hall Collection at Oldham, to which he was a major contributor (information from Simon Hayhow). In 1895 he gave six rare Coleoptera from Sussex to the HDO (Smith (1986) p.129). There is a brief biography by R.Adkin in Ent., 57, 1924, p.215, which I have not seen. (MD 8/03)
1849 - 25 May 1924