NEWMAN, Edward

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Primarily known as a general entomologist and Lepidopterist, who founded a number of entomological journals and wrote several text books. Amongst his numerous publications are several on Coleoptera, particularly foreign Cerambycids and species of Cryptocephalus, from 1835. These include descriptions of new species eg Anchomenus picticornis, Hermerius impar, Toxotus rugipennis Callidium rubeocolle, etc. Gilbert (1977) lists seven obituaries and other accounts but omits Thomas Prichard Newman (his son)’s Memoir of the Life and Works of Edward Newman, 1876 (reprinted by E.W.Classey in 1980 as Classica Entomologica no.6) Like all of the accounts I have seen this makes no mention of his interest in beetles . Robert Mays’ review of it in Archives of Natural History, 10(1), 1981, pp.173-176 does mention however that Newman’s delicate drawings of beetles were much admired by his class-mates. (MD 5/04) .
13 May 1801 – 12 June 1876