His collection in a 40 drawer cabinet was given to Birmingham Museum on 11 October 1932 (84.32) together with various Coleoptera catalogues, offprints and other material. The catalogues by Sharp and Fowler are marked up with various pencil annotations and include typescripts which refer to Worcestershire and his collecting companions eg. Ashe and Tomlin. A collection of cards devoted to individual species mentions collectors (included his sister Elspeth) and places visited (mostly Worcestershire but also includes Dorset and Glamorgan), and a collection of loose leaf sheets includes similar material eg. ‘Cryptocephalus sexpuntatus. 22/5/21. I took two specimens sitting on young sallows in Bishops Wood, Hartlebury. Ashe, Donisthorpe and Beare who were also there failed to get any more’. He presented the Henry S.Gorham collection to Birmingham Museum at the same time as giving his own. A brief obituary in Proc.RESL., 37, 1972-73, (C), p.56 mentions that he had little time for active entomological work ‘since the early 1930’s’. (MD 9/04)
1881 – August 1972