ROBSON, George

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Leicestershire naturalist who published records of 40 water beetles in Midland Naturalist, 2, 1879, pp.57-60. ‘Hunting the beetles, under the invigorating influences of fresh air and sunshine’ wrote Robson, ‘was all pleasure.’ Though he found the Haliplids difficult when ‘the real work began when I got home’. In the first issue of the same journal F.T. Mott in an article on Artisan Naturalists (1, 1878, pp. 310-311) described Robson as ‘a Leicester stocking-maker...who has found means for self-cultivation while bringing up a large family on the earnings of his frame. There are probably not a dozen men in Leicester of all classes who know as much about the Natural History of their district as he does...’ (quoted by Lott, 2009 p.13). Robson donated 92 water beetles to the Leicester Museum on 30 June 1877 and a collection of Staphylinidae in May 1879. (MD 11/09)