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Son of William Wilson Saunders (see below). Well known Hemipterist and Hymenopterist, on which orders he published major works, but he was also interested in Coleoptera, particularly in his youth. Born at East Hill, Wandsworth and educated entirely at home (from 1857, at Hillfield, Reigate). In 1865 he entered his father’s office at Lloyd’s and later became a very successful businessman. His subsequent entomological output was impressive not simply because it had to be fitted into to odd hours between his work commitments and looking after a large family (he mostly worked on it during non –daylight hours), but also because he refused to collect or describe new species on Sundays. At home as a child he was able to study his father’s collections and at the age of 16 he published his first article ‘Coleoptera at Lowestoft’ in the first number of the EMM (1864, p.75). Subsequently he became particularly interested in the Buprestidae which he studied on a world basis and on which he published some 17 notes, descriptions and revisions of collections in Trans.ESL and J.LSL between 1866 and 1874. These included descriptions of more than 100 new species. His Catalogus Buprestidarum Synonymicus et Systematicus, separately published by Janson in 1871, was described as ‘a work whose importance was immediately recognised, and which has ever since remained a classic. In order to render the synonymies... as reliable as possible, he undertook the only foreign tour of his life, visiting in succession all the chief museums of Europe and examining personally the ‘types’.’ (EMM., 46, 1910, p.53). Although most of his published output in the last thirty years of his life was devoted to bugs and the Hymenoptera he did produce a few notes on beetles found locally. Saunders’ Coleoptera collection was purchased after his death by P.B.Mason and is now at Bolton. 16 Buprestidae were acquired via exchange by the HDO in 1866 and the Department also received ‘Numerous other specimens [insects, not necessarily Coleoptera] over many years’ (Smith (1986) p.146). His library was sold by Stevens on 5 July 1910 (together with that of G.S.Saunders and Martin Jacoby) and his unpublished papers passed to Rev. F.D.Morice. (Morice subsequently provided material for a note in EMM, 47, 1911, p.64 dealing with the fate of all Saunders’ collections). Correspondence with Westwood 1867-89 and Poulton (1896-1908); and a diary giving details of his captures from 1878 – 1909 is in the HDO (Smith (1986) p.86). The NHM has a ms notebook Notes on Buprestidae (includes notes made on insects found during his European tour) and one ms notebook Register of Buprestidae, 1872 (Harvey et. al. (1996) p.287) and there is correspondence in the RESL (Pedersen (2002)). Gilbert (1977) p. 333 lists 10 obituary and other notices. (MD 11/04, 11/09). Saunders donated specimens and determined others in the Marquand collection at Guernsey Museum (Fenscore). FES from 1865 (Treasurer 1880-90, Vice President in 1874, 1899, 1901, 1906 and 1907. FLS from 1869.. FRS 1902. Gilbert (1977) p.333 lists 10 obituary and other notices. (MD 11/04)
22 March 1848 – 6 February 1910