Youngest of the three sons of G.R.Waterhouse. The obituary of his father in EMM., 24, 1888, p.234 mentions that he was at one time Entomological Curator to the Marquis of Ripon, and that is certainly where he lived for much of his life. Mentioned in the Gorham diary at Birmingham and the Janson diary at Cambridge eg. 7 April 1873. There is a letter of 9 September 1908 in the Sharp correspondence at Liverpool, vol.2, p.356. He published 16 notes on beetles in EMM. between 1865 ‘Capture of rare Coleoptera in London’[included Cicindela campestris found in the courtyard of the British Museum] (2, pp. 13-14) and his addition of Adrastus pusillus to the British list in 1888 (25, p.133). His other addition to our list was Quedius brevicornis found in Studley Park and determined for him by Rye (8, 1871, pp. 14-15). (MD 12/04)
1849 - 2 February 1916