West was one of the founder members of the South London Entomological Society in 1872, and became curator of their collection in 1879, retaining the role until his death in 1920. His interests included both Hemiptera and Coleoptera the last dating from at least the mid 1860s. Many of his more interesting captures are discussed by Peter Chandler in a comprehsive account of West in Br.J.Ent.Nat.Hist, 34, 202, 31-68 which includes two portrait photographs and a bibliography.
Chandler records that 'the bulk of West's collection of Coleoptera is in the Colchester Museum and is accompanied by two diaries including numbered lists of specimens respectively from 1-4,180 (entitled The Cabinet of Coleoptera numbered) and 4,181-10,000 (The collection of Coleoptera in cabinet numbered part 2) of which 920 numbers, mainly in the later pages, have no entry against them. These numbers correspond to a number on the card on which the specimen is mounted. It is apparent from the collection that the number applied to all specimens of a species found at the same time. The listing is not systematic, nor is it completely chronological, with mixed years often on the same page. Later years are mainly found in the higher numbers, but the majority of the early entries have no dates associated. Two further diaries, similarly numbered and with mostly corresponding lists are held in the Liverpool Museum. Covering the period 1903-1909 these are entitled W.West Ent. Diary (Coleoptera) and respectively comprise listings of nos 56232-7419 and 7420-9340 including a note that 600 numbers (6287-6886) had not been used.' He also gives more information about the diaries contents in regard to the places visited and the evidence they provide of contacts with other Coleopterists including most of the better known collectors of the period many of whom donated to his collection. In identifying species he had help from Harry Britten, William Fowler and Norman Joy.
Chandler also includes Photographs of pages from the diaries and of mounted specimens from his collection.
Not to be confused with William West (1847-1917), the Lepidopterist who was also much involved with the South London becoming President in 1884.
(MD 12/06, 3/21)