Abbreviations and bibliography

The following abbreviations and bibliography apply to the Biographical Dictionary of British Coleopterists, compiled by Michael Darby.

  • AES: Amateur Entomologists Society
  • BBC: Balfour-Browne Club
  • BENHS: British Entomological and Natural History Society
  • BM: British Museum
  • BMNH: British Museum (Natural History) (now the Natural History Museum)
  • CABI: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International
  • CIE: Commonwealth Institute of Entomology (became Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International)
  • DEFRA: Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
  • FLS: Fellow of the Linnean Society
  • HAGM: Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry
  • HDO: Hope Department, University Museum, Oxford
  • IBE: Imperial Bureau of Entomology, London 1913- (became the Imperial Institute of Entomology)
  • IIE: Imperial Institute of Entomology, London (became the Commonwealth Institute of Entomology in 1947)
  • ITE: Institute of Terrestrial Ecology
  • FES: Fellow of the Entomological Society of London
  • FRES: Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society, London
  • FRS: Fellow of the Royal Society
  • FRSA: Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts
  • FRS: Fellow of the Royal Society
  • FZS: Fellow of the Zoological Society of London
  • LSL: Linnean Society of London
  • MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
  • MUNHM: Manchester University Natural History Museum
  • NHM: Natural History Museum, London. (formerly the British Museum (Natural History))
  • NMSAD: National Museum of Science and Art, Dublin
  • NMW: National Museum of Wales, Cardiff
  • RSM: Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh
  • SLENHS: South London Entomological and Natural History Society (later the British Entomological and Natural History Society)
  • RES: Royal Entomological Society, London (Note: also used for the Society before it received its Royal warrant)
  • RGS: Royal Geographical Society, London
  • ZSL: Zoological Society of London
  • ABBREVIATIONS: (Frequently mentioned periodicals others spelled out in entries)
  • Ann.Mag.nat.Hist: Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London, 1841-1885. (Formerly Annals of Natural History. Replaced by Journal of Natural History)
  • Ann.nat.Hist.: Annals of Natural History. London,1838-1840
  • Ann.Scot.nat.Hist., Annals of Scottish Natural History. Edinburgh, 1892-1911. (incorporated with the Scottish Naturalist from 1912)
  • Antenna: Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society. London,1985-
  • Arb.morph.taxon.Ent.Berl.: Arbeiten Uber Morphologische u. Taxonomische Entomologie. Berlin-Dahlem, 1934-1944
  • Brit.J.Ent.Nat.Hist.: British Journal of Entomology and Natural History. London, 1988 - (continuation of  Proceedings and Transactions of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society)
  • Bull.amat.Ent.Soc. London,1939 - (continuation of Entomologist's Bulletin)
  • Bull.Br.Mus.nat.Hist.: Bulletin of the British Museum (natural History). London. Entomology 1950-, Entomology Supplement 1965 -
  • Bull.Ent.Res.: Bulletin of Entomological Research. London, 1910-
  • Cist.Ent.: Cistula Entomologica. London,1869-1885
  • Col.The Coleopterist. 1992 -  (continuation of the Coleopterists Newsletter)
  • Col.News: The Coleopterists Newsletter.  1980-1991
  • DNB: Dictionary of National Biography
  • Dt.Ent.Z.: Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin, 1875 -
  • Entomologist's Annu.: Entomologist's Annual. London, 1855-1874.
  • Ent.Bull.: London, 1937-1938 (formerly Journal of the Entomological Exchange and Correspondence Club, continued as Amateur Entomologist, London & Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologist's Society) 
  • Ent.mon.Mag.: Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine. London, 1864 -
  • Ent:  Entomologist. London, 1849-1842, 1864 - (not issued 1843-1863)
  • Ent.Ann.: Entomologist’s Annual. London, 1855-1874
  • Ent.Bl.Col.: Entomologische Blatter fur Biologie und Systematik der Kafer. Berlin, 1905 -
  • Ent.Gaz.: Entomologists Gazette. London. 1950 -
  • Ent.Jb.: Entomologisches Jahrbuch. Frankfurt am Main.  1892-1937
  • Ent.Mag.: Entomological Magazine. London. 1833-1838
  • Ent.News: Entomological News. Philadelphia. 1890-
  • Entomologist's Rec.J.Var.: Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation. London, 1890-
  • Essex Nat.: Essex Naturalist. Buckhurst Hill, 1887-
  • Ent.Wkly Intell. : Entomologist’s Weekly Intelligencer. London1855-1874
  • FBI: Fauna of British India
  • Ir.Nat.: Irish Naturalist. Dublin 1892 - 1924
  • Ir.Nat.J.: Irish Naturalists’ Journal. Belfast. 1925 -
  • Latissimus: Newsletter of the Balfour-Browne Club
  • Naturalist, Hull : The Naturalist. Hull, London 1864 -, 1883 - 1913
  • NWest.N: North Western Naturalist. Arbroath. 1926 - 1955
  • Phil.Trans.R.Soc. : Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 1665 - 1886
  • Proc.ent.Soc.Lond. : Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London 1926-1933
  • Proc.R.ent.Soc.Lond. : Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London . 1933 -
  • Proc.Trans.S.Lond.ent.nat.Hist.Soc.: Proceedings and Transactions of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society. London 1933 - (formerly Transactions and Proceedings of the South London Entomological Society)
  • Proc.Trans.Br.ent.nat.hist.Soc.: Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society. London 1968-1987 (became British Journal of Entomology and Natural History. London, 1988 -
  • Psyche.Camb.: Psyche, a Journal of Entomology. Cambridge, Mass, 1874 -
  • Rec.Indian Mus: Record of the Indian Museum, Calcutta. 1907 -
  • Sci.Gossip: Science Gossip. London, 1865-1902
  • Scot.Nat.: Scottish Naturalist. From 1892-1911 (incorporated in Annals of Scottish Natural History 1912 -)
  • Trans.ent.Soc.Lond.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. London 1807-1812, 1834-1933 (continued as Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society)
  • Trans.Linn.Soc.Lond.:Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. London, 1791-. 2nd series Zoology 1875-1884
  • Trans.Hrts.nat.Hist.Soc.Fld Club: Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club. 1879-
  • Trans.Proc.S.Lond.ent.nat.hist.Soc.: Transactions and Proceedings of the South London Entomological Society
  • VCH: Victoria County History
  • Zool: The Zoologist, London. 1842-1916
  • Zool. Anz: Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig. 1878-1910
  • BIBLIOGRAPHY (Frequently cited sources, others spelled out in entries. Does not include Catalogues)
  • Agassiz, L. (1931). History of Entomology.
  • Allen, D.E. (2010). Books and Naturalists. Collins, New Naturalist Library
  • Anon, (1906). 'Progress in the Collection of Insects in the British Museum since the purchase by the Government of the Collections of Sir Hans Sloane in 1753', The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the  British Museum, 552-653
  • Arrow, J.G. (1917). Llamellicornia, Fauna of British India
  • Atty, D.B. (1983). Coleoptera of Gloucestershire. D.B. Atty, Cheltenham
  • Blackwelder R.E & R.M. (1961). Directory of Zoological Taxonomists of the World. Society of Systematic Zoology, Illinois
  • Bold, T. (1871-72). Catalogue of Northumberland and Durham Coleoptera
  • Brison, G.D.R., Phillips, V.C. & Harvey, A.P. (1980).  Natural History Manuscript Resources in the British Isles
  • Britten, H. (1943). The Coleoptera of the Isle of Man. Reprinted from The North Western Naturalist, March and June
  • Buck, F.D. (1955). A Provisional List of the Coleoptera of Epping Forest. Reprinyted from Entomologists Monthly Magazine, 51, 174-192
  • Burrell, J.  (1806). A Catalogue of the Insects found in Norfolk, 101-240
  • Chalmers-Hunt, J.M. (1976). Natural History Auctions 1700-1972, A Register of Sales in the British Isles. Sotheby Parke Bernet
  • Champion, G.C., McLachlan, R and Sharp, D. (1893). Catalogue of the Library of the Entomological Society of London. London
  • Champion, G.C., Blandford, W.F.H., & McLachlan, R. (1900). Supplementary Catalogue of the Library of the Entomological Society of London. London
  • Cowley, J. (1948). A Directory of Amateur Entomologists
  • Curtis, J. (1824-40). British Entomology, being Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland. Author, London
  • Davis, P. and Brewer, C. (1986). A Catalogue of Natural Science Collections in North-East England With Biographical Notes on the Collectors. North of England Museums Service.
  • Darby, M. (2009). Wiltshire Beetles: History, Status, Distribution and Use in Site Assessment. Malthouse Books, Salisbury
  • Davis,  and Brewer, (1986). 
  • Dawson, J.F. (1854). Geodephaga Britannica. A Monograph of the Carnivorous Ground Beetles indigenous to the British Isles. London, John Van Voorst
  • Day, F.H. (1909-1933). ‘The Coleoptera of Cumberland’, Trans. Carlisle Nat. Hist. Soc., 1, 122-50; 2, 201-56; 3, 70-108; 4, 135-36; 5, 117-125.
  • Denny, H. (1825). Monographia Pselaphidarum et Scydmaenidarum Britanniae. S.Wilkin, Norwich.
  • Donovan, E. (1792-1813). The Natural History of British Insects.
  • Duff, A. (1993). Beetles of Somerset. Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society
  • Elliman (1902). ‘Coleoptera’, Victoria County History of Hertfordshire, 1, 83-110
  • Fowler, W.W. (1912). General Introduction and Cicindelidae and Paussidae. FBI
  • Gilbert, P. (1977). A compendium of the Biographical Literature on Deceased Entomologists. British Museum (Natural History), London
  • Gimingham, (1955). ‘Notes on the list of Hertfordshire Coleoptera’. Transactions of Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 24, 136-145
  • Gunther, A. (1912).The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum, vol. ii Appendix General History of the Department of  Zoology from 1856 to 1896. British Museum Natural History.
  • Hagen, H.A. (1862). Bibliotheca Entomologica. Die Litteratur uber das ganze gebiet der Entomologie bis zum jahre 1862. Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig
  • Hancock, E.G. and Pettit, C.W. (1981). Register of Natural Science Collections in North West England. Manchester Museum
  • Harvey, J.M.V., Gilbert, P., and Martin, K.S. (1996). A Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Entomology Library of the Natural History Museum, London. Mansell.
  • Horn,W. and Kahle,I. (1935-37). Uber entomologische Sammlungen, Entomologen und Entomo-Museologie. In: Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin-Dahlem, 2-4, December 1935, October 1936 and August 1937
  • Horn,W. and Schenkling, S. (1962). Index Litteraturae Entomologicae, Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften.
  • IDR. Insect Department Register, Natural History Museum
  • James, M.J. (1973). The New Aurelians. A Centenary History of the British Entomological and Natural History Society. British Entomological and Natural History Society
  • James, T.J. (2018). Beetles of Hertfordshire. Hertfordshire Natural History Society
  • Johnson, C. (2004). British Coleoptera Collections in the Manchester Museum. The Coleopterist, 13(1), 5-21
  • Johnson, W.F. and Halbert, J.N. (1902). A List of the Beetles of Ireland. University Press, Dublin (Reprinted from Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy)
  • Jones, R. (2018). Beetles. Collins, New Naturalist Library
  • Kirby, W. & Spence, W. (1815-1826). An introduction to Entomology; or elements of the natural history of insects, Longmans, London
  • Lisney, A.A. (1960). A Bibliography of British Lepidoptera 1608-1799. The Chiswick Press, London
  • Lott, D. 2009. The Leicestershire Coleopterists: 200 years of beetle-hunting. Loughborough Naturalists' Club.
  • Mackechnie-Jarvis, C. (1976). 'A History of the British Coleoptera'. Proceedings of the British Entomological and Natural History Society, 91-112.
  • Mallis, A. (1971). Directory of American Entomologists.
  • Marsham, T. (1802). Entomologia Britannica. Coleoptera. Wilks & Taylor, London
  • Morgan, M.J. (1974). 'Coleoptera of Merioneth, North Wales, A supplement to Skidmore and Johnson's list, 1969', Entomologists Gazette, 25, 53-75
  • Morley, C. (1899): The Coleoptera of Suffolk and First Supplement. James Keys, Plymouth 
  • Murray, A. (1853): Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Scotland. William Blackwood and Sons, Edinburgh and London.
  • Musgrave, (1932): Bibliography of Australian Entomology 1775-1930.
  • Neave, S.A. and Griffin, F.J. (1933). The History of the Entomological Society of London, 1833-1933. London.
  • NHM Acc. MS Accessions Register of the Natural History Museum, London
  • Nissen, C. (1969): Die Zoologische Buchillustration
  • Pearce, E.J. (1920) A List of the Coleoptera of Dorset,. Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club, Longman, Dorset
  • Pedersen, B. (ed.) 2002. A Guide to the Archives of the Royal Entomological Society. Ashgate Pub. Ltd.
  • Peterken, G.F. & Welch, R.C. (1975). Bedford Purlieus, Ity History, Ecology and Management: Coleoptera recorded. Monks Wood Symposium, 7
  • Reid, C. (1983). A Bibliography of Buckinghamshire Coleoptera. Offprint from Records of Bucks, 25, 160-167
  • Riley, N.D. (1964). The Department of Entomology of the British Museum (Natural History) 1904-1964 A Brief Historical Sketch. The XIIth International Congress of Entomology, London
  • Ryan, J.G., O’Connor, J.P., and Beirne, B.P. (1984). A Bibliography of Irish Entomology. Fly Leaf Press, Dublin.
  • Salmon, M.A. (2000). The Aurelian Legacy. British Butterflies and Their Collectors. Harley Books
  • Sharpe, W.E. (1908). The Coleoptera of Lancashire and Cheshire
  • Sherborn, C.D. (1940). Where is the – Collection?. Cambridge University Press
  • Simms, C. (1968). 'A List of the Botanical and Zoological Collections at the Yorkshire Museum, York', The Naturalist, 904, 1968, 65-89
  • Skidmore, P. & Johnson, C. (1969). 'A Preliminary List of the Coleoptera of Merioneth, North Wales, Entomologists Gazette, 20, 139-225
  • Smith, A.Z. (1986). A History of the Hope Entomological Collections in the University Museum, Oxford with lists of Archives and Collections. Clarendon Press, Oxford
  • Steele, R.C. and Welch, R.C. (1973). Monks Wood, A Nature Reserve Record, Nature Conservancy, 1973, 1-337
  • Stephens, J.F. (1828-1831). Illustrations of British Entomology, Mandibulata, vols 1-4, Baldwin and Cradock, London
  • Tomlin, J.R. le B. (1912). The Coleoptera of Glamorgan. Reprinted from Trans. Cardiff Naturalists Society, 45-58
  • Tomlin, J.R. le B. (1949,1950). Herefordshire Coleoptera.  2 parts. Woolhope Naturalists Field Club, Hereford.
  • Walsh, G.B. (1956). 'Coleoptera'. In: The Natural History of the Scarborough District. Scarborough Field Naturalists Society
  • Waterhouse, C.O. et al. (1906). The History of the Collections contained in the Natural History Departments of the British Museum. 2 vols
  • Wilson, W.A. (1958). Coleoptera of Somerset. Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, Goodman, Taunton.