In an article in the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine (1953, 89: 148-9) titled 'Two remarkable rediscoveries in the British Coleoptera' A.A. Allen recorded how 'due to the energy and perseverence of Mr S.E. Allen 'Graphoderus cinereus L. and Uleiota planata L. were found near Liss in Hampshire'. He went on to note that Allen had collected intensively in that area and had found amongst other 'good' things Agonum ericeti Panz., Pediacus depressus Herbst and Leptura rubra L. all of which were almost certainly new records for North Hants.
Allen's particular interest seems to have been in the water beetles and he published two notes in the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 'Rantus bistriatus (Bergst) in flight' (1953, 89: 168) and 'Aestivating habits of Hydradephaga' (1954, 90: 91-2). He gave his address in 1953 as Fir Villa, Station Road, Liss, Hants.
John Owen told me that the labels marked 'S. Allen' in the collection he presented to the National Museum of Scotland in 1963 refer to this Allen. (MD 8/17, 9/22)