ANGUS, Robert Bagrie

Educated at Gordonstoun and Oxford University. Has been employed as a lecturer in the Department of Zoology at Royal Holloway College, University of London since 1975. Angus's personal collection is limited but is fairly comprehensive in the water beetles to which he has paid particular attention. Within this group he has specialised in Helophorus F. and his collection includes Siberian and other foreign examples of this genus including some paratypes. Insects collected by him may be found in the British Museum; Hope Department; Zoological Institute, Leningrad; Ottawa and other collections.

Published his first note 'Hydroporus marginatus (Dufts.) in East Kent' in the EMM., 99, 1964, 240 and some thirty or so further notes and articles have appeared since in this and other magazines. Most of these concentrate on water beetles and many refer to northern, particularly Scottish records. As an undergraduate Angus became interested in methods of swimming in water beetles publishing several notes on this topic. This work led to his undertaking a D.Phil. at Oxford on 'Taxonomic, Genetic and Ecological Studies on Helophorus F.' which was completed in l969. Seven of the nine chapters of this thesis have since appeared in the EMM., Canad. Ent.. Acta Zool. Fenn., and Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond.. Between October 1969 and July 1970 Angus visited the USSR, and he has published several notes on the Russian fauna. In discussing the beetles brought back from Mongolia by Dr Kaszab's expeditions he took the opportunity to revise the East Palaearctic Helophorus fauna (Acta. Zool. Hung.,16, 1970, 249-290) and to write some notes on the Fennoscandian and Northern Russian species (Notulae ent., 54, 1974, 25-32). His Russian visit also involved the study of fossil beetles, and he has subsequently published several notes about them including an account of two small faunas from the Weichselian deposits at Voorthuizen in the Netherlands (Mededel. Rijks. Geol. Dienst.,1975) and of a rich assemblage from the middle of the last Glaciation from Isleworth  (J. anim. Ecol. 449 1975, 365- 391; with G.R.Coope). Angus's published work includes descriptions of at least eleven species of Helophorus new to science.

Angus is a member of the Freshwater Biological Association and of the RES.  (Entry supplied by R.B.Angus).

There are 2 pages of correspondence with Colin Johnson in MUNHM (Box 12) dated 1971. (MD 1/22)

b. 14 August 1944