Born in Purley, Surrey and educated at London University, Queen Mary College. He had collected for thirty years by 1982 and at that time had a moderate sized general collection housed in thirteen cabinets (some home made) totalling 119 drawers. Most families represented, specimens being predominantly of East Anglian or Belgian origin. Others from South East England and various foreign countries including Ascension Island where he travelled on behalf of his employer, the Marconi Company. He has donated various single specimens to museums and private collectors.
Barham has published a number of short notes in the Ent.mon.Mag. including 'Harmonia quadripunctata (Pont) in Suffolk and Norfolk' (94, 1958, 161); 'Leistus rufomarginatus Duft. in Norfolk' (97, 1961, 244) and a joint paper with Peter Hammond in Ent. Gaz.,'Larichobius erichsoni Rosenhauer a species and superfamily new to Britain' (33, 1982, 35-40).
He joined the AES in 1957, the BENHS in 1958 and the RES in 1963. Lived in Ipswich in 1982 (Information from C.S.B in 1982.) (MD 8/08)