Atty (1983, iv-v) describes Morse as 'An exasperating mystery. In [C.F.] Lifton's [q.v.]1940 list...numerous uncommon species are attributed to "Newnham: Morse" with no details whatever apart from an occasional otiose "rare" (The number of rarities is astonishing: with some genera one gets the impression that all the rare species have been ticked off, and anything less common omitted). Many of these species, moreover, appear in Perkins' [q.v.] list for "Newnham" but with Lifton, not Morse, as the contributor. Apparently Lifton had obtained a list of [Forest of]Dean species in c.1900 from Morse; this might have repeated older records (from Hodgson?) and errors may well have intruded in the course of transmission to Perkins. I have found only one article by Morse on Glos. species -"Coleoptera in the Dean Forest" EMM., 40 1904, 138 - though others (eg. Oedemera virescens) were exhibited in London on various occasions about that time Morse's address then, in 1904, and in 1913 was Leeds not Newnham.' (MD 8/17)