Lived in Cheltenham and collected mainly around the town, in 1944-47, especially Carabidae and Staphylinidae. Atty (1983, v-vi) records that many of his specimens are in the Gloucester Museum, and that he published two papers in the Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club: 'A list of the Carabidae of Glos.' (1947, 149-158) and The Staphylinidae of Pselaphidae of Glos (1948, 51-62) adding 'These included some notable additions to the county list, though unfortunately the older records of Davis and (and Morse) which he incorporated are faulty in places, being derived from Lifton's manuscript and not from the original authentic sources. His Atheta were checked by Dr Malcolm Cameron but some of the rarer species are not extant in the Gloucester Museum collection and others, like Astenus melanurus, were wrongly named. Other references: Miscellaneous entomological notes: Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club Proceedings, 1947, 159-60; 'The Coleopterous and Heteropterous fauna of a dry carbon-tip', EMM., 81, 1945, 166-68, and 'Glos. water-beetles' NGNS. Journal, 2, 1951, 10 and 3, 1952, 2.' (MD 8/17)