Charlie Barnes tells me that he recently (9/19) acvquired 'a 'hand made' list of beetles with the name 'R.A. Carter' on the first page. It seems to date from the 50s/60s, or at least that's the latest date in the book...I had wondered if it was a cross reference for a specimen collection, but it looks like a tick list'.
A collection with this name sold for £55 at Bigwood, Fine Art Auctioneers, Stratford upon Avon, in September 2017, described in the catalogue as 'a small wooden storage box with a few carded beetles (lacking data), the box carrying the name R.A. Carter, together with a large wood storage box with an expansive collection of British beetles, multiple and mounted with reference numbers and family names, and a further assortment of Foreign beetles including Longhorn varieties (lacking date)' The boxes are well illustrated. (MD 2/20)