Ophonus stictus Stephens, 1828


  • Adephaga
  • Carabidae
  • Ophonus
  • Ophonus
  • Ophonus stictus
Common name
Oolite Downy-back


Source: Lech Borowiec


Size: 12-16mm
Basic colour: Black or dark brown with a greenish metallic reflection.
Pronotoum: Widest to the front of the middle. Sides contracted behind to the blunt but distinct hind angles.
Leg colour: Mid to pale brown.
Confusion species: Ophonus ardosiacus
, Confusion species: Ophonus sabulicola

UK Priority Species data collation for Ophonus stictus.


Status: Very scarce. Local in southern and eastern England.
UKBAP Species: Yes
Habitat: Quarries and on limestone or chalk soils.
Other notes: Elytra long, slightly widened medially, finely punctured with dark brown pubescence; apices slightly rounded and diverging, with a distinct sub-apical sinuation. Aedeagal apex very elongate, at least four times as long as wide. Wings present.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map