Amara famelica Zimmermann, 1832


  • Adephaga
  • Carabidae
  • Amara
  • Amara
  • Amara famelica
Common name
Early Sunshiner


Size: 6.7-9.0mm
Basic colour: Black.
Pattern colour: with a bronze or greenish reflection.
Pronotoum: Pronotal sides parallel-sided in front of hind angles, base not punctured, inner foveae linear, outer foveae reduced to a small pit.
Leg colour: Black
Confusion species: Amara spreta

UK Priority Species data collation Amara famelica



Status: Extremely scarce. Local in southern and eastern England, as far north as Yorkshire.
UKBAP Species: Yes
Habitat: Sandy heaths
Other notes: Scutellary pore absent; elytral striae fine, intervals flat, apices protruding and margins sinuate sub-apically. Wings present.


  • (1999), Amara famelica Zimmerman (Carabidae) from Warwickshire (VC 38) and Staffordshire (VC 39) heathland The Coleopterist 8(1):43

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map