Athous campyloides Newman, 1833


  • Polyphaga
  • Elateroidea
  • Elateridae
  • Athous
  • Orthathous
  • Athous campyloides



  • (2001), Athous campyloides (Elateridae) widespread in urban South London, and a note on its spread in England The Coleopterist 10(1):23

  • (2000), The Cornish records for Athous campyloides Newman (Elateridae) The Coleopterist 9(1):41

  • (1998), Athous campyloides Newman (Elateridae) in Wales, and other species of interest The Coleopterist 7(1):18

  • (1998), Observations on the British population of Athous campyloides Newman, 1833 (Elateridae) The Coleopterist 7(3):94

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map