Callistus lunatus (Fabricius, 1775)


  • Adephaga
  • Carabidae
  • Callistus
  • Callistus lunatus


Size: 6-7mm
Basic colour: Golden orange with black markings.
Pattern colour: Head blue-black, pronotum orange, elytra pale yellow, each with black shoulder, a median spot and apical transverse band.
Pronotoum: orange, cordate, hind angles rectangular.
Leg colour: Pale with most femora, tibial apices and tarsi darkened.


Status: In decline since 1930, not recorded since 1953. Once found locally in Kent, Surrey and Berkshire.
RDB Category: Endangered
Habitat: Open chalk grassland.
Other notes: Elytra rounded and convex, wings present.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)

Distribution Map