Paradromius longiceps (Dejean, 1826)


  • Adephaga
  • Carabidae
  • Paradromius
  • Paradromius longiceps


Source: John Walters
Source: Lech Borowiec


Size: 5-6.5mm
Basic colour: Mid-brown
Pattern colour: Head dark brown, pronotum and elytra red-brown, elytra with a dark sutural mark in apical third, this sometimes expanded almost to reach sides of elytra.
Pronotoum: Elongate, side borders raised.
Leg colour: Pale and elongate.
Confusion species: Paradromius longiceps


Status: Very scarce. Local in eastern England, mainly Yorkshire and East Anglia. A relict fenland species.
RDB Category: Vulnerable
Habitat: Reed beds and coastal litter.
Other notes: Head longer than wide, temples much longer than longitundinal diameter of the eyes; frons with only a single furrow inside each eye.


  • (2007), Paradromius longiceps (Dejean) (Carabidae) in Hampshire The Coleopterist 16(2):79

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