Biographical dictionary

The Biographical Dictionary of British Coleopterists is compiled and maintained by Michael Darby. The Dictionary can be accessed below, and see also the additional information provide by Michael:

Michael would be pleased to hear from anyone wishing to make corrections or alterations to the Dictionary, which will be fully acknowledged. Email Michael Darby or write to Michael at 33 Bedwin Street, SALISBURY, Wiltshire, SP1 3UT.

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Name Dates Biography
BANNISTER, R.T. d. 1979

General Practioner who lived for many years in Cornwall after his marriage. Collected extensively in the County, his collection and the ledger containing all the information about it, passing to Truro museum after his death. In 1936 he added Trogophloeus (Carpelimus) despectus Baudi to the British list (Ent.mon.Mag., 72, 1936, 78-9) but subsequently deleted the record because the specimen was lost and he felt unsure of the identification, (ibid., 107, 1971, p.33). He added several species to the Cornish list (ibid., 101, 1965,15; 110, 1974, 252; and 111, 1975, 22). Bannister also interested himself in Hemiptera, and was a member of the AES. (Information from Mrs Mildred Bannister, his widow). (MD 9/01)


The Acccessions Book (19) in Birmingham Museum, Department of Natural History, lists a collection of insects including Coleoptera from Ceylon given by Bantock on 4 April 1935. He lived at 83 Bristol Road, Birmingham. (MD 8/17)

BANTOCK, Tristram, M.

He is listed by James (2018) as providing a special contribution (MD 1/22)


Collected Rutelinae at Ootacamund (Arrow, G.J., Rutelinae, Desmonycinae, Euchirinae, FBI, 1917). This is probably the same Barber who gave ten Coleoptera from Antiqua and three from Dominica to the NHM in 1898. (MD 9/01)


Published 'The genus Quedius' in Procedings Bristol Naturalists Society, (2), 1866, i, 95. (MD 9/01)

BARHAM, Clifford Stanley b. 7 June 1934

Born in Purley, Surrey and educated at London University, Queen Mary College. He had collected for thirty years by 1982 and at that time had a moderate sized general collection housed in thirteen cabinets (some home made) totalling 119 drawers. Most families represented, specimens being predominantly of East Anglian or Belgian origin. Others from South East England and various foreign countries including Ascension Island where he travelled on behalf of his employer, the Marconi Company. He has donated various single specimens to museums and private collectors.

Barham has published a number of short notes in the Ent.mon.Mag. including 'Harmonia quadripunctata (Pont) in Suffolk and Norfolk' (94, 1958, 161); 'Leistus rufomarginatus Duft. in Norfolk' (97, 1961, 244) and a joint paper with Peter Hammond in Ent. Gaz.,'Larichobius erichsoni Rosenhauer a species and superfamily new to Britain' (33, 1982, 35-40).

He joined the AES in 1957, the BENHS in 1958 and the RES in 1963. Lived in Ipswich in 1982  (Information from C.S.B in 1982.) (MD 8/08)



Smith (1986),102, records that insects, chiefly Coleoptera collected by Barker in Natal, Chimoio, Mozambique and Grahamstown between 1889 and 1904 were acquired by the HDO in 1903, 1904 and 1907. (MD 9/01)


Published ‘The water beetle, Acilius sulcatus in Co. Dublin’ in INJ, 6, 1937, 253. (MD 9/01)

BARLOW, Anton Charles b. 25 April 1954

Educated at Whitley Abbey School and worked as a toolmaker/ inspection engineer. His Coleoptera interests centred on the Carabidae and Staphylinidae of Warwickshire and in 1982 he was engaged in preparing material for a study of the Carabidae of heavily worked agricultural land as part of an ecological course at the Open University. Arrangements were being made at that time to house parts of his collection which included a small number of foreign beetles, in the HAGM, Coventry. Member of the AES and joined the BENHS in 1977. (Information from A.C.B.) (MD 8/17)


BARLOW, Edward

Published a number of notes on entomology in Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal and in India Museum Notes from 1894 including a list of the Melolonthini contained in the collection of the Indian Museum (1899, 234-273). (MD 9/01)