Biographical dictionary

The Biographical Dictionary of British Coleopterists is compiled and maintained by Michael Darby. The Dictionary can be accessed below, and see also the additional information provide by Michael:

Michael would be pleased to hear from anyone wishing to make corrections or alterations to the Dictionary, which will be fully acknowledged. Email Michael Darby or write to Michael at 33 Bedwin Street, SALISBURY, Wiltshire, SP1 3UT.

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Name Dates Biography
BARNARD, George 1830 - 11 March 1894

Well known as an entomologist and ornithologist in Australia. Born in Chiselhurst, Kent but moved to Australia where he was stationed at Coomooboolaroo near Duaringal, Queensland. By 1891 his insect collection had increased to such an extent that he built a private museum to house it. He was much assisted by his wife and son Wilfred Bourne Barnard, the Lepidopterist. His publications were mainly about Lepidoptera. He died at Launceston and there is an obituary notice in Ent., 27, 1894, 228. He is also mentioned in Musgrave, (1932). (MD 9/01)

BARNES, Albert John fl.1894-1932

Lived at 3 Islip Street, Kentish Town, London from at least 1894 until 1905; 18 Raveley St, St. Pancras from 1908-12; at an unknown address at Crouch End from 1912-16, and finally from 1916-32 at 1 Ashley Street, Shrewsbury, where he became the County Recorder for Coleoptera for Shropshire and amassed a considerable collection (c.4,000 specimens at least), and added numerous species to that county’s list. The bulk of this collection is now with the North Hertfordshire Museums Service. Published notes in Transactions Cavadoc and Severn Valley Field Club, especially the Supplement: Record of Bare Facts. This material is now incorporated with the collection of D.G. Hall at Baldock. (Information from Trevor James) (MD 9/01)

BARNES, Maurice Drummond d. 1945

A collection of beetles in sixty drawers, by Barnes and E.W. Aubrook consisting of some 3,000 specimens is in the Tolson Memorial Museum, Huddersfield. The Barnes specimens are accompanied by a manuscript notebook. I have also seen specimens collected by Barnes in  Doncaster Museum and in the Kauffmann Cerambycidae collection at Manchester. (MD 6/18)


Published 'The occurrence of Helops caeruleus (L.) in the Cathedral Close, Norwich' in Ent.mon.Mag., 89, 1953, 131, when she worked at Castle Museum, Norwich. (MD 8/17)



Hancock & Pettitt (1981) list a F.H. Baron as follows: 'Coleoptera + Lepidoptera. Ceylon. Information from list at Monkswood (I.T.E.). Kendal. NW 1223'. (MD 9/01)


Published 'New records of Coleoptera from Offaly (Kings County)' in Ent.mon.Mag., 78, 1942, 42-43 when a student at Tullabeg College, Tullamore, Kings Co. Ireland. Most of his specimens were identified by E. O'Mahoney who also verified his new county records. (MD 9/01)

BARRETT, Dorothy Heeneman Physiologist who also worked on Coleoptera. FRES from 1970 (MD 3/03)

Published two notes in Ent.mon.Mag., 59, 1923, 91: 'Agabus brunneus Fab. in Dorset' and 'Notonecta Lalophila Edw. in Cambridgeshire', and ‘Some notes on the aquatic Coleoptera of Somerset', ibid, 63, 1927,174-180. (MD 9/01)

BARRON, Charles

Listed in Ent. Ann. 1860, 3 as interested in British Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. He was attached to the Museum of the Royal Naval Hospital, Haslar, Gosport. Chalmers-Hunt (1976) records that a collection of birds and mammals made by him were sold by Stevens on 12 June 1895. (MD 9/01)


Arrow, J.G., Rutelinae, Desmonycinae, Euchirinae, FBI, 1917, records that he collected Rutelinae at Kasauli in the Punjab. (MD 9/01)