Articles of The Coleopterist

The contents list below is currently complete up to volume 30 (2021). The information that is available can be searched using the filter boxes below - fill in one or more of the search boxes and then click on "Apply". See also the downloadable cumulative species index (also complete up to vol 30).

Back issues: volumes 1 to 12 are available to download. Other hard-copy back issues are available from Peter Hodge - please visit the subscribe page to view prices, and contact Peter to arrange orders.

Amara fusca Dejean (Carabidae) rediscovered in Wales: the first Welsh record for over 150 years A. J. Ramsay
Dorcatoma dresdensis Herbst (Anobiidae) in Dorset K. N. A. Alexander
The distribution and status of Pyrrhalta viburni (Paykull) (Chrysomelidae) in Scotland K. N. A. Alexander
Phymatodes testaceus (Linnaeus) new to Ireland, and Leiopus nebulosus (Linnaeus) (Cerambycidae) found at Tynan, Co. Armagh M. Bryan & R. Anderson
Adota maritima (Mannerheim) (Staphylinidae) new to Ireland from Counties Down and Antrim R. Anderson & M. Bryan
Scolytus rugulosus (Müller) (Scolytidae) new to Ireland A. P. Foster
Subscribers' Notices
Review "A photographic guide to insects of the New Forest and surrounding area" by P. D. Brock R. G. Booth
Derek Lott 1953-2011 T. Drane & G. Foster
Literature Notices M. J. Collier

First British record of Smaragdina salicina (Scopoli, 1763) (Chrysomelidae)

D. Hubble & D. Murray
A new site for Panagaeus cruxmajor (Linnaeus) (Carabidae) in North Lincolnshire M. Hammond & R. Merritt
A new host plant for Choragus sheppardi Kirby (Anthribidae) and data on Anthribus nebulosus (Forster) and A. fasciatus (Forster) from the same Essex locality D. C. Twinn
Leiosoma oblongulum (Boheman) (Curculionidae) in East Northants. (VC 32) and Huntingdonshire (VC 31) R. C. Welch
Saproxylic Coleoptera from Calke, Hardwick and Kedleston Parks, Derbyshire: additional records including eleven new to the county list K. N. A. Alexander
A second British record of Ephistemus reitteri Casey (Cryptophagidae) M. G. Telfer
Serropalpus barbatus (Schaller, 1783) (Melandryidae) in Britain R. C. Welch
Acalyptus carpini (Fabricius), a weevil new to Ireland (Curculionidae, Curculioninae) K. N. A. Alexander & M. G. Morris
Some recent leaf beetle and weevil records from Lanarkshire M. Townsend & J. Denton
Pentarthrum elumbe (Boheman) (Curculionidae, Cossoninae) in Britain C. R. Turner
Literature Notices M. J. Collier
Some recent developments affecting the British list of Oxytelinae (Staphylinidae) D. A. Lott
Anommatus duodecimstriatus (Müller, P.W.J.) (Bothrideridae) from a roadside verge in Dorset J. Hunnisett
Hylecoetus dermestoides (Linnaeus) (Lymexylidae) in Britain: historic distribution and recent appearance in south-east England K. N. A. Alexander
The saproxylic Coleoptera of Milton-Lockhart estate, Lanarkshire, Scotland J. Denton, M. Townsend & S. Dodd
Review. "A review of the scarce and threatened Coleoptera of Great Britain Part 3: water beetles" by G. N. Foster A. J. Allen
A new species of the genus Mirosternomorphus Español, 1977 from England (United Kingdom) (Coleoptera: Ptinidae: Dorcatominae) P. Bercedo & L. Arnáiz
Interesting new records of Coleoptera from Wales B. Levey
Leptusa ruficollis (Erichson) (Staphylinidae) new to Ireland R. Anderson
Hygrotus nigrolineatus (von Steven) (Dytiscidae) new for Scotland, with an update on its status in England and Wales C. Macadam & G. N. Foster
Some unpublished records of Scaphisoma assimile Erichson (Staphylinidae) B. Levey
An early specimen of Isochnus sequensi (Stierlin) (=populicola (Silfverberg)) (Curculionidae) from an additional locality M. G. Morris
Another inland record of Rhinocyllus conicus (Frölich) (Curculionidae) D. Hodges
David Sharp's 'red Apions': alary polymorphism in the genus Apion s.str. (Apionidae) M. G. Morris
A recent record of Agonum sexpunctatum (Linnaeus) (Carabidae) from Wales K. C. Austin
A new species of Quedius Stephens subgenus Microsaurus Dejean (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Scotland and Ireland D. A. Lott
Scolytus mali (Bechstein & Scharfenberg) (Curculionidae) new to Scotland K. Alexander
Glocianus moelleri (Thomson) (Curculionidae) in Buckinghamshire D. Hodges
Literature Notices M. J. Collier
Sitaris muralis (Forster) (Meloidae) rediscovered in the New Forest P. D. Brock